Whose Life Is It Anyway?
March 1990

Written by Brian Clark
Directed by Steve Berry

Cast List
Ken Harrison
Mike Newvell
Sister Anderson
Beryl Lacey
Kay Sadler
Tina Edney
Dean Caston
Dr Scott
Jan Wyatt
Dr Emerson
Ian Balderston
Mrs Boyle
Kathy Beck
Philip Hill
Mark Kitchener
Dr Travers
Brenda Pearson
Peter Kershaw
Frank Waslin
Dr Barr
Hazel O'Brien
Andrew Eden
Jeffrey Marsh
Mr Justice Millhouse
Peter O'Brien

Stage Manager
Steve Hewlett, assisted by Marie Webb
Set built by
Steve Hewlett, Steve Berry, and Beryl Lacey
Linda Crawford
Hazel O'Brien
Lights and Sound
Neil Balderston and Helen Drywood

A moving and thought-provoking play set in a hospital ward. The play centres on the struggle of Ken Harrison, who has been completely paralysed in a road accident, to be allowed to choose to end his own life in a dignified manner.
The heavy subject matter was skilfully handled by the cast, in particular Mike Newvell who, in only his second appearance at the Oasthouse, spent the entire play laying in bed able only to move his head.

This production was our entry into the Kent Full-Length Play Festival.

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