Membership Subscriptions

Our Membership Secretary would like to remind members that Membership subscriptions are due for renewal from 1st April.

Full Member

Full membership is required in order to audition for plays and join in the fun backstage. You can audition as soon as your membership is accepted and your subscription is paid.

Student Member

This membership category (equivalent to full membership) is available to those in full-time education.

Audience Member

This category entitles you to all the privileges available to Full Members with the exception of being able to audition and work backstage. You can still help with Front of House or Bar duties if you wish.

(with effect from 1st April 2020 - all fees are per annum)

Full Member

£55 for couples

Audience Member

£15 for couples (residing at the same address)

Student Member

£15 (proof may be required if in higher education)

We strongly encourage members to pay their subscriptions electronically:
  • Standing Order
    This will save you both time and inconvenience of remembering each year. Standing order details can be obtained on request from
      Standing Order details should be given to your bank, NOT returned to us!
      if our fees increase, it is YOUR responsibility to update your Standing Order with your bank.
  • Electronic transfer
    Account details are available on request. Please use your name (as a minimum) and membership number (if you know it) as a reference.
  • Cheque
    Made payable to 'Rainham Theatrical Society Ltd ' and sent to our Treasurer, Janine Hewlett, at The Oasthouse Theatre, Stratford Lane, Rainham, Kent, ME8 8AG. Alternatively, drop your cheque (with a note who it's from and what it's for!) into the post box just inside the downstairs foyer next time you're at the theatre.

When renewing, could you please provide, as a minimum, your email address so that future newsletters can be sent electronically. Why not add a reminder of your contact details (address, phone number) to your renewal so that we can make sure we have the most up to date details for you.
Could we also ask that you let the Membership Secretary know if you do not intend renewing your subscription as this will prevent reminders being sent to you.

Please Note:
  • Newsletters ‐ If you think you are receiving irrelevant emails from us (they are based on your membership category), please don't just unsubscribe. Reply to the email advising us of the type of emails you don't wish to receive and we'll make every effort to remove you from the relevant distribution list. If you just unsubscribe, you may miss out on newsletters, or notification of upcoming events and so on.
  • Membership cards ‐ New membership cards will be held at the bar for personal collection the next time you attend the theatre. They will not be posted.
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Membership renewal evening
It's that time of year again where we invite you to renew your membership for the 2025/2026 season. There will be a social evening at the theatre on Tuesday 1st April where you can pay your membership to Claire and you will be given a voucher to redeem at the bar that evening. Card, cash, cheques and bank transfer/Standing Order (proof of payment via this method will be needed) are all welcome. Why not set up a regular annual payment now for 1st April to make the payment?

A reminder that your membership runs from 1st April to 31st March every year. When, as a full member, you audition for any plays, you must have paid your full membership prior to auditions. This rule will be enforced by the Membership Secretary and Director of any play. They will not be permitted to cast anyone who has not paid. Please be mindful that anyone who is cast in the May play will be reminded that their membership will be due during the rehearsals, and failure to pay MAY mean that your part is recast!

Please note that membership prices are due to increase in 2026 due to increased overheads.

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Directors for 2026

Are you interested in directing a play in 2026? If so, and you have a play you would like the Programme Committee to consider, please email with details of the play. Ideally, this takes into consideration the stage size, and you will have thought about cast size, set layout, and how you will go about it.

If you haven't directed before, we can arrange for you to shadow a production and can also provide a mentor. There are plenty of experienced directors on hand to support and give advice and our set building weekends take the worry out of building a set. So why not give it a try?

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Backstage Crew Appeal

Calling all members!

We are in desperate need of backstage crews. Prompts, properties, stage managers and stage hands. Without your help, it's really difficult to put on a successful show. All of these roles are extremely important (almost more so than the actors on stage).

As a full member, if you are unsuccessful at an audition in securing the acting role you were after in a production, please consider offering your services for one of the backstage roles instead.

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RaTS Merchandise

We have finally found a new local supplier to produce some garments that have our RaTman logo embroidered on them and samples of these garments have been worn at recent events by Committee members. If you wish to order items (t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, or fleeces) then please use this Order Form and return it to the bar where you can pay by cash or card. If opting to pay by BACS transfer, please use your surname and "_Clothing" (or something similar) as a reference.

These were very popular when they were offered previously, and are a great way to promote our theatre and an ideal gift! We look forward to seeing lots of them being worn around the theatre.

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You may use Stratford Lane to drop people off for the theatre but please do not use the resident's parking area.

May we remind patrons that parking is not permitted in Stratford Lane. The section of lane directly outside the theatre is an access road only.

In addition, you MUST NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, park in the paved parking spaces at the end of building which are allocated to the owners of the adjacent flats only.

  • Patrons should also not park in front of the black gated entrance to the car park halfway up Stratford Lane. This is access for residents of the flats in the High Street.
  • Patrons are advised to use the public car parks located at:
    • Rainham shopping centre,
    • behind the Cricketers pub, or
    • opposite the bottom of Mierscourt Road
  • A few spaces are available in the JCB Citroën (formerly Hidson's) car park.
    This facility is only available for evening shows after the dealership closes at 6pm. Please ensure you only use marked bays.
  • Please note that although some on-street parking may be found, many of the local roads have parking restrictions in place (permits required, restricted times and so on).
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Newsletter Delivery

We would like some assistance in getting the newsletters out to members. Although many members have moved across to having their newsletters delivered electronically, there are still approximately 150 that need to be delivered either by hand or post. This requires envelopes to be addressed and filled. If you can spare any time to help with this task (or with the delivery) then please contact Helen or Dean Caston.

If you would like to receive your newsletter electronically then please use the same link and tell us your name and preferred email address.

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Help Wanted
  • Our Front-of-House manager, Jo Godman, is looking for volunteers to work behind the bar either on show nights or on rehearsal evenings. She is also after Front of House staff. If you fancy pouring glasses of wine or selling programmes then please contact Jo at the theatre or email us at so that she can arrange some training for you on a rehearsal night.
  • If pulling pints isn't your thing, how about the slightly less onerous task of pouring tea? We are also looking for members to go onto the tea bar rota during productions. You would need to arrive around 7:30pm and will generally be going home shortly after the interval, around 9:30. Again, please contact us at the theatre or via
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Promotion and Advertising

The monitor in the foyer (by the bar) is available to promote future productions and events at the theatre. It is also available for advertising purposes if you know of any suitable companies or organizations.

Please contact Dean Caston for fees and details.

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