January 1984
Written by Leonard H. Caddy
Directed by Melody Harbour
Musical Director: Bob Nicholls
Princess So-Sweet-Lee
Janet May
Widow Twankey
George Stockford
Emperor Hi-Mi-Tee
Steve Berry
Fairy Queen
Doreen Higgins
Spirit of the Ring
Helen Cottam
Genie of the Lamp
Spencer Collins
Old Stupid, the horse
Neil Fletcher & Spencer Collins
Helen Drywood, Janet Watkins, Wendy Whiting, Beth Golland, Kelly Meaney,
Sarah Thompson, Jennifer Castle & Nicola Kerwood
Stage Manager
Steve Harbour
Stage Crew
John Hammell, Steve Hewlett, Bernie Thompson & Bill Garlick
Lighting & Sound
Bernie Thompson
RaTS Wardrobe & cast members
Bob Nicholls (piano), Neil Balderston (guitar) & Mike Pantry (bass)
Our thanks go to Wing Music, Sidcup for the hire of the gong.
The traditional tale of a poor family trying to make their way in the world when, quite by chance, long
lost 'uncle' Abanazar turns up and enlists Aladdin to help him find some treasure, including an
old lamp - not telling him that the lamp has magic powers. However, it doesn't take long for
Aladdin to realise that things aren't as they appear.
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